“Guernsey goats have been used in award winning cheese making for years in the UK, due to the sweetness of their milk which produces high yields of unique tasting cheeses. Their small frame and silent, docile nature make them a perfect breed for new homesteaders”
BGS registered Rubicon
Guernsey Goats, Verandas Sugar HB2
about guernsey goats
I fell in love with the Guernsey goat while vacationing in the UK. I had spent years dreaming about farming when I saw no path forward to make this dream a reality. I was just planning and reading any book on goats I could get my hands on, and in UK these books always included the Guernsey breed. When we did get our farm in the forest of central Maine in April of 2016 I was determined to start our dairy of with this rare breed.
I have to be honest my does are pampered and loved. I have the time to spend giving them ear rubs, hugs, grain and high quality hay. I love this breed- they are quiet and docile. They are not miniature but on the smaller side of standard for US dairy breeds. They are the picture of contentment and bring me endless Joy, and that is before I even start to talk about my passion for producing farmstead goat cheeses.
GOATS for Sale
It was a successful kidding year and our new genetics look amazing. We have 12 kids for sale this year with an amazing 8 does in the mix!